I've always loved telling stories.
So I made it my job.

What I do for a living

After spending many hours reading while growing up, I made the decision to dedicate the hours of my life as a grown up to writing. As of now I work as a Publishing Media Coordinator, combining my passion for writing, people, and pop culture to create new and entertaining content every day.

What I do for fun

It comes to no surprise that on my free time I like to indulge in a good book. I enjoy visiting bookstores with other reader friends and discovering another story to immerse myself in. Sharing my thoughts on these reads is an additional hobby of mine, and I take time during my weekends to create content for my Bookstagram, Booktok, and Booktube accounts.

Krysta Pae

Alhambra, CA | krysta.pae@gmail.com

© Krysta Pae, 2023